
Ideas for Communicative Activities

Today, I am going to review two of the 'typical Japanese junior high school' communicative activities presented in ETM 3. The activities I am going to review are カルタ and Find the Difference. You can view them here. How would I improve them?

1. カルタ
I have an idea to have students enjoy and learn though this activity in another way.
(1) A teacher says a certain word (instead of a sentence).
(2) A student picks up the card on which picture related to the word is drawn. Then, the student will make a sentence using the word.

2. Find the Difference
It would need a long time to do 'Find the Difference' in the way. So making it simple, I would improve it like this,
A: In my picture, there are five books on the bed. How about in your picture?
B: In my picture, there are three books on the bed. So it is a difference.

2 件のコメント:

JH さんのコメント...

I like your suggestions for both activities.

satomin さんのコメント...

Hi!!Keichan★This is satomin.
I think "Find the difference" needs more time,too. your idea is very nice for children.